Can Physical Therapy Help with Chronic Pain?
Facing chronic pain every day is a horrible way to go through life. There’s more than just the pain to manage as well because chronic pain leaves patients feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. Working with a physical therapist might not seem like the right solution when someone is already in pain, but physical therapy is helpful for patients struggling with chronic pain in a multitude of ways.
Chronic Pain and Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a form of treatment that uses exercises and other techniques, like massage, to help people to recover from injuries and illnesses, including surgery. Often people who have experienced illnesses like heart attack or stroke experience excellent results from working closely with a physical therapist to regain mobility and become stronger. People who experience chronic pain, which is pain that is persistent and typically lasts longer than three months, can also benefit from the help of a physical therapist. Each person’s case is different and may require different therapy techniques.
Types of Exercises and Techniques Used by Physical Therapists
When people hear about exercise and physical therapy, they might think about things like cardio, including riding a stationary bike or using a treadmill. That might be part of it, but activities like stretching and building strength are also important. Stretching helps to improve flexibility and loosen muscle tension, which can help to improve range of motion. Strengthening exercises, like lifting weights, helps to build muscles so they can support joint stability and hopefully reduce the risk of future injury. Cardio, like walking or swimming, is part of physical therapy and can help to release endorphins, which naturally assist with pain relief. Finally, manual therapy techniques like joint manipulation and massage therapy can improve circulation and assist with muscle stiffness and pain.
Benefits of Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain
Everyone hopes that when they start working with a physical therapist, they’ll experience less pain and that does happen. For some patients, it can take a little bit of time to get to the pain relief because there is a lot of stiffness and pain associated with not moving as much as someone should. It’s a common reaction to avoid movement because it’s painful. Consistent
can help to improve overall function, however, and even reduce medication use. As chronic pain starts to diminish, patients may also find that they experience better mental health. Anxiety, depression, and poor mental health are unfortunately extremely common for people experiencing chronic pain.
Physical therapy is another tool that patients can use to manage their chronic pain. It can be surprisingly effective, even when other techniques did not seem to work in the past. Working with physical therapists consistently allows patients to build on their previous results and get even farther down the road of recovery. Knowing that they aren’t alone can also be tremendously helpful for patients who are dealing with chronic pain. Feeling as if there isn’t any hope can be incredibly demoralizing, so it’s important to have the support of physical therapists.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Physical Therapy in Glencoe, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.
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