Tips for Adjusting Your Care to Support a Senior Battling Cancer

The moment you find out that you’re aging loved one is living with cancer, your life changes. As their adult child, you were thinking about how this disease is going to affect them and their future.

As their family caregiver, however, you were thinking about how their needs and challenges will change and how you must adapt your care effort to meet these needs. Adjusting your care to support a senior battling cancer is critical to helping them remain as healthy as possible and to support a lifestyle that is fulfilling, safe, and that’s high quality as you can throughout their later years.


Elder Care in Glenview IL: Senior Cancer Issues

Elder Care in Glenview IL: Senior Cancer Issues


Use these tips to help you adjust your care to support a senior battling cancer:

Remember that care does not have to mean treatment. Even if you’re aging loved one has decided that they do not want to seek out an aggressive form of treatment for their cancer, this does not mean that you should not be caring for them with as much attention and effort as you possibly can. If your senior has decided that they do not want to seek treatment for their cancer, your care should be focused on maintaining their health, comfort, and quality of life in whatever means is appropriate for them.


Plan for quality time.

Focusing on mental and emotional health and well-being will be very important during this cancer journey. Not only will it help to support your parents quality of life and boost their motivation, but it will also help to create a stronger bond between the two of you and create meaningful memories that you can carry into the future. Plan for special quality time in your care routine so that the time that you spend with your parent does not always devote just to focused care efforts. Go out to eat, take a walk around the park, or go on special outing so that you are focusing on your emotional connection as much as their a physical needs.


Increase your care team.

As your parent faces cancer, their needs will increase. You want to make sure that you can meet these needs while also still being able to devote the time and energy to the other responsibilities and obligations in your life. Increasing your care team to include an elderly care provider, friends, family, and others will allow your parents benefit from diversified care and support, and give you peace of mind and reduced stress.


How can elder care help?

If you have been looking for an effective and meaningful way to meet your parent’s care needs and support a high quality of life for them as they age in place, starting elderly care for them may be the ideal solution. An elderly home care services provider can be there with your parent on a schedule that is right for their needs as well as the care efforts that you give them on a regular basis.

This allows you to evaluate your own limitations and abilities and design a care routine that will help them to live the highest quality of life possible throughout their later years. Through a set of highly personalized services, this care provider can help your parent to maintain as much independence as possible while also encouraging fulfillment, activity, and efficient management of their individual challenges and needs. Safe and reliable transportation, assistance with personal care needs, mobility support, and companionship are only a few of these services available.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care in Glenview, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare In-Home Care and Home Health Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.

LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services