Planning Ahead for Holiday Road Trips

Home Care Services in Glenview IL: Holiday Road Trips
Home Care Services in Glenview IL: Holiday Road Trips

The holiday season is a time to spend with friends and family, and for many people, that means taking road trips. A holiday road trip can be a fun adventure, but it also poses challenges and dangers you might not face during road trips at other times of the year.

As a family caregiver, it is important for you to take the time to plan ahead for your holiday road trips so you can keep everyone safe and healthy, and make the experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. Making these plans and following them can make the road trip itself a part of the fun of the holiday season.

Use these tips to plan ahead for holiday road trips with your elderly loved one:

Remember a road trip during the winter and holiday season is likely to take much longer than it would at any other time of the year. Weather conditions and increased traffic can make travel slower, which means you will need to plan for a longer time on the road. Account for extra travel time in your schedule so you don’t feel rushed and possibly more inclined to make dangerous choices such as driving too fast or driving when you are tired.

-Plan stops along the way. In addition to making sure you add plenty of extra time to your expected duration, also plan for times and places you will stop along the way. Stops for gas, food, walking around, and sleeping make sure your estimate for how long it will take you is accurate and also help to keep everyone in the car comfortable and healthy.

-Take the time to plan out your route carefully if you have not done this road trip before. Don’t just assume the GPS will get you there. There’s always the possibility that technology will fail, and you want to make sure you know where you are going even without your mobile device. This means having a paper map or Atlas available to you, and preferably also a printed out copy of directions you can follow along the way.

Plan alternate routes as well. If there are alternate routes available to your destination, have access to instructions for those routes in addition to your preferred option. This allows you to make quick decisions regarding changing directions or using detours if issues such as severe weather, accidents, traffic, and other needs arise.

-When making reservations for a hotel either in the middle of the road trip or at the end, make sure you specify the features you need for your aging loved one. A room on the first floor with accessibility features is ideal for a senior with mobility problems, hearing loss, and other challenges.

-Consider bringing along your parents elder care provider. An elderly home care services provides an extra set of hands during the road trip as well as when you reach your destination to ensure consistent and continuous access to care and assistance for your a loved one.

Just because you are the primary family caregiver for your senior doesn’t mean you have to take on all of the responsibilities on your own. Relying on elder care not only helps to relieve your stress and give you more flexibility and time in your schedule, but it can also greatly improve your parent’s quality of life.

The services of an elderly home care are completely customized, which means they are designed to help your parent live the life they want to while managing the issues they need to on a regular basis. This means your parent’s challenges don’t define them, and they are still able to find meaning, fulfillment, and excitement in their daily life as they age in place.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Glenview, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.

LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services