How Lack of Sleep Can Affect Older Adults
There’s no question that sleep is important for good health.
Unfortunately, many older adults find themselves having trouble getting to sleep at night or staying asleep. Because sleep problems are so common, some people mistakenly think that they are a natural part of aging or that seniors don’t need as much sleep. However, seniors need just as much sleep at night as everyone else and they can and should achieve good quality sleep.

Home Health Care in Glencoe IL: Senior Sleep Tips
Insomnia and Waking Through the Night Common
Experts say insomnia is more common in older adults for several reasons. One of them may be anxiety. Seniors may lay in bed worrying about some of the things that come with aging, like health problems and a loss of independence. They may also have chronic pain that makes it difficult to relax.
In addition to having trouble getting to sleep, older adults may wake easily during the night. They may have sleep apnea, which causes them to wake suddenly gasping for breath. They might also need to urinate more often or suffer from restless leg syndrome.
Effects of Poor Sleep
When older adults don’t get enough sleep, their quality of life decreases. They don’t have as much energy to do the things they need to do let alone the things they enjoy. The fatigue they feel may cause them to nap during the day. Unfortunately, that can become a vicious cycle since napping during the day can make them less sleepy at night, so they cannot fall asleep or are unable to sleep as long.
A lack of sleep can also affect mood. People who don’t get enough sleep tend to be grumpy. Your aging relative may be more irritable than normal and snap at others easily.
Over time, sleep deprivation can cause physical health problems, too. It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It may also lead to inflammation in the body and make the immune system less effective.
How Elderly Care Can Help Seniors Sleep
One of the keys to better sleep is to develop good sleep habits. Elderly care providers can play an important role in creating and maintaining those habits. Elderly care providers can assist with establishing a regular routine of getting up and going to bed at the same time each day, which helps to cue the body when it is time to sleep. An elderly care provider can come to the senior’s house in the morning and help them to get up, dress, and have breakfast. They can return at night to help the senior get ready for bed.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Glencoe, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.
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