Home Health Care: How Does Home Health Care Enable Your Senior to Age in Place?

Home Health Care: Is your senior determined to remain in her home for as long as she possibly can?

That’s not an unusual goal and you may find that home health care is a good fit for your senior as she works toward aging in place.


Home Health Care: Age in Place

Home Health Care: Age in Place


Medication Reminders

Medications might be one of the most important parts of your senior’s care plan. If it’s difficult or impossible for her to manage her medications on her own, that could lead to her being unable to age in place as she has wanted to do. Working with home care providers allows her to have someone helping her with medication compliance at home, where she most wants to be.

Mobility Assistance

Being able to get around easily and safely is something else that is key to your senior being able to age in place. With the right help, your elderly family member is better able to continue doing some of what she loves to do. Protecting her mobility also means ensuring that your senior is able to go places and see people when she needs and wants to do so.

Personal Care Tasks

Taking care of personal care tasks, like eating and bathing, is something that you might take for granted. But it could be a lot more difficult for your elderly family member, and that could be a big part of what causes her to have to abandon her plan to age in place. Having help with those tasks can make a world of difference in her self-esteem and in her ability to continue to live the life she wants to live.

Monitoring Health Needs

But what about the rest of your senior’s health needs? If she’s dealing with things like high blood pressure or recovering from surgery, it’s highly likely that your senior would benefit from having medical assistance at times. Home health care offers that type of skilled nursing assistance in your senior’s home so that she’s able to remain where she wants to be.

Home Health Care: Ensuring Your Senior Is Safe

Above all else, it’s vital that your senior is safe. From her point of view, it may be most important that she is at home where she’s comfortable, but if that isn’t a safe space when she is completely alone, then it’s important that she has help available. Home health care services can offer that type of help for her.

There’s a lot to consider when your elderly family member is planning to stay at home for as long as she can, and the right type of home health care assistance is going to be the key to helping her to achieve her goal.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Libertyville, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.

LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services