A Five-Part Foot Care Plan for Your Senior

Your senior’s feet are a much bigger health concern than either of you might think. When you pay attention to how her feet are doing, you can respond quickly to potential issues.


Elderly Care in Northfield IL: Senior Foot Care Plan

Elderly Care in Northfield IL: Senior Foot Care Plan


Keep Her Feet Dry

When your senior’s feet are wet or even damp, they can become a breeding ground for athlete’s foot and other problems. After a bath or shower, pay particular attention to her feet. It’s a good idea to make sure they’re as dry as possible. Some people use a hairdryer because towels aren’t always efficient. If she gets her feet wet, like when she walks outside and encounters a puddle, drying them off as soon as possible is a priority.


Make Sure Socks and Shoes Fit Properly

Socks and shoes need to fit well without being too snug. Socks, in particular, can snag on sharp toenails or dry skin if you’re not careful, so it’s important that the socks don’t have loose threads. Foot size does change over time, so if your senior hasn’t measured her feet in a while, it might be time to go ahead and do that.


Trimmed Toenails Are Safer

Toenails can be a big problem for your senior. If they’re trimmed too short or in a rounded fashion, it’s easy for them to develop hangnails. The alternative is to trim them, but not too short, and to make sure that they’re in a straight line. Use a file to remove sharp edges, but don’t round off the nails. Your senior’s skin thins as she ages and long or sharp toenails can actually cut her feet.


Propping Her Feet Can Help with Circulation

Your senior might have circulatory problems that cause swelling in her lower legs and feet. If that’s the case, encourage her to prop her feet up when she sits. Using an ottoman or even the other side of a couch can help her to avoid developing serious swelling. Talk to her doctor about what else might be necessary.


Pay Attention to Changes in Her Feet

If you notice any changes or issues with your senior’s feet, whether she’s walking differently or seems to have pain in her feet, it’s worth bringing that up with your senior’s doctor. The sooner that you spot potential problems, the sooner they can get resolved.

It’s tough to stay on top of all of these details if you can’t be there with your senior. Hiring senior care providers can help you to ensure that your elderly family member has the help when she needs it and that little details like her feet are in good hands.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elderly Care in Northfield, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.

LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services