Does Your Senior Parent Need Home Care?

Home Care in Deerfield

Home Care in Deerfield

These days, more seniors than ever age at home. In a recent poll, seniors overwhelmingly said they prefer to stay in their own homes. Likewise, for many seniors, staying in their homes is something they can manage with little difficulty. But as seniors age or develop medical conditions, they may need help to live safely at home. Some seniors can be sensitive about needing help and might not mention it even if they do. So pay attention to these signs that a senior might need home care:

Dishes Are Stacking Up

If you notice the dishes are piling up in the sink when you visit your senior parent. Or you notice the same pots and pans are in the sink when you visit on different days. That’s a sign that your senior loved one may not keep up with the housework. Struggling seniors get help from home care so that chores like washing the dishes get done daily.

The Dust Tumbleweeds Are Tumbling

One of the first areas of housekeeping seniors neglect, when they start to have trouble physically keeping the house, are the floors. Suppose you see dust tumbleweeds blowing over your senior loved one’s floors because they haven’t vacuumed in a long time. Or, if the floors look grimy because your senior loved one hasn’t cleaned, it’s time for home care. A caregiver ensures that chores like vacuuming and mopping get done regularly. So, your senior loved one’s home is clean and sanitary for them to stay.

The Cupboards Are Bare

If you see your senior loved one’s cupboards starting to look low or the refrigerator looking empty, you should talk to your loved one about getting a caregiver. A caregiver can take your senior loved one to the grocery store to stock up on groceries or help your senior parent place an order on a smartphone or tablet for grocery delivery. With a caregiver, your senior loved one’s food stays stocked.

Your Senior Loved One Is Wearing Dirty Clothes

Everyone has picked up a sweater or other clothing item worn only once and worn it again because it was clean. If your senior parent wears dirty clothes with stains or the same clothes daily, they need help. A caregiver can ensure your senior loved one always has clean clothes to wear. A caregiver also neatly folds and puts away laundry.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Care in Deerfield, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.

LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services