Home Care: How to Help Elderly People Prevent Respiratory Health Issues

Home Care: Does your elderly loved one have respiratory issues?

The first thing that you might want to know is that these issues are quite common in the elderly. However, that doesn’t mean that your elderly loved one just has to put up with them and not do anything about it. In fact, there are many professional recommendations that doctors and other health experts give to senior citizens who have respiratory issues. Remember, these are general guidelines. You can talk to your elderly loved one’s doctor to confirm they recommend these in your loved one’s case. A home care services provider can help you with this.


Home Care in Lake Forest IL: Respiratory Health Issues

Home Care in Lake Forest IL: Respiratory Health Issues


Stop Smoking

One of the things that your elderly loved one can do to get their respiratory health issues under control is to stop smoking. This process can take some time and for some people, it isn’t a good idea to just quit. For example, your elderly loved one might need to wean themselves off, so they don’t shock their body. They may also need nicotine cessation products, as well. You or a senior home care provider can take your elderly loved one to their doctor to find out more about helping them to quit smoking. The benefits of doing this are helping your loved one to breathe easier, reducing strain on the lungs, and lowering the risk of lung cancer.


If your elderly loved one does have any respiratory health conditions, they need to continue with all follow-up appointments. If their doctor prescribes medication, you or a senior home care provider should remind them to take those medications. If your elderly loved one needs regular testing or needs to attend regular appointments so their doctor can keep an eye on what is going on, make sure they are doing these things. By doing this, your elderly loved one can reduce the risk of their condition getting much worse. At the very least, it can keep things stable for longer.


It can be difficult for some people who have a respiratory health condition to exercise. However, you or a home care provider should take your elderly loved one to their doctor to see if your loved one should be exercising. Their doctor may even recommend breathing exercises that can help to strengthen your elderly loved one’s lungs and immune system.

Home Care: Conclusion

There are millions of senior citizens that struggle with respiratory health issues. As a family caregiver, you and your home care provider can help your elderly loved one to manage these issues. The most important thing is to have them keep up on their medical appointments and treatments.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Lake Forest, IL, call the caring staff at LifeCare Home Health & In-Home Services. Call (888) 606-4199 LifeCare serves all of the Chicago Metro Area.


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